Friday, October 4, 2013

Karate- Entire discography

While I am patiently waiting on my Gunz: The Duel 2 download I came to mind to do a post regarding on the band Karate. A band entitled Karate? What the cluck? Yes there is indeed or was there a band called Karate. This band is one of my few favorites in the classics of 90's indie and as for the genre the band smashes it with genres such as Math rock, Jazz rock, Blues, Jazz fusion, Post-rock, Indie rock and even with some post hardcore elements involved on some parts of some songs. The deal is, no one has done a discography on this band.... I don't know how many of you could of possibly missed this band.. Anyways, I sat down late December 2013 and saw that this band was a similarity to bands like Colossal and Sharks keep moving so I said to myself "Hey maybe I will like them" and did I sure loved them. Seeing there was possibly no file on this band within a week of asking some dude left me a message regarding on this band. He left me an entire discography of this band on a drop box file but it was in its own files so I had to download each album instead of the whole thing. A few 3-4 months ago I went back to that URL link and apparently the whole file no longer existed. So I said to myself "One day I need to post this on my blog" due to being busy and with the plus of laziness I did took a while to upload this. But hey, I finally did it. So here is the whole darn discography (Missing a live set album of there's but it doesn't count as a discography) other than than that its pretty much every release ever done by these guys. I mean they even released a 2 song single 7" before releasing there first full length debut self-titled. So here ya have it Karate's legacy. It's funny that every release the band made the band was progressing and getting better. Almost anyone can agree with me with that. If you are a 90's true fan then maybe you may want to download these guys to add to your library. Geoff Farina is among my favorite guitarist in the whole game of the 90's music scene. Probably one of the best ones at the time

Discography (Missing Concerto al Barchessone Vecchino EP)
Death kit/Nerve 7"
The Crownhate Ruin/Karate 7"
Karate/La Lune 7"
In Place of Real Insight
Operation Sand 7"
The Bed is in the Ocean
Cancel/Sing EP
Some Boots
In the Fishtank Volume 12

1 comment:

  1. Just discovered these guys, love it already. Very Slint-esque which is a massive plus. Awesome vocals, too. Thanks for uploading this!

    I need some emo music right now.
