Saturday, June 16, 2012


I haven't had time to post anything for a while, Ive had a shitty week since last post. My ex left me for a fairy, I went out with another girl for a day, accidentally got to drunk and my parents saw me drunk, the girl left me and wanted to date my friend but he was creeped out thoughts of my ex sometimes run through my head but ehh I had way worse days than this, plus its summer. Girls, weed, friends, and girls. C////O I discovered them in that kali mixtape volume one. yes its hip hop get over it. But this shit is fucking off the hook. The dudes has released an 4 track EP entitled Girls EP and that comp track entitled capture bonding. I fell in love with these dudes hardcore. Im not a big fan of todays generic rap but hey these guys are very fucking good. Remind me of a DIY version of Tyler the creator. Just check it.

Girls EP+Kali Mixtaoe comp track