Saturday, June 23, 2012


I brought up this band on Native's post. Well this band has a similarity sound to such acts as Native, The Reptillian and Sleep Patterns. The Voice is more high pitched. And man it's far from epically beautiful. Lately I havent posted shit for a while I been working out a lot and having fun stoner summer nights with friends and talking to a bunch of women that are after me. I heard of this band from Chug life's blogspot. I am glad the dude who runs the blog (awesome blog) posted them there. I heard of the band making a full length sometime soon. I really admired there style they use it's a great band to get high to or even drunk with the homeboys and homegirls. I will listen to there EP This Space Will Accommodate Canvas while I go on my first DMT experience. I want it to be perfect and that EP is fucking perfect. I do hope in this band making more songs since 8 is a little but good for now. Welp I am hoping on posting another post of this great band sometime when the full length comes out.

This Space Will Accommodate Canvas EP

Songs from the Arizona Wilder split tape
Song from the MKE DIY 2012 compilation