Thursday, October 24, 2013


So recently I been waiting on my mail and shit and High Vibe Recordings (The ones who released Lobby Boxer's Teddy EP recently sent me that EP. The EP was suppose to come in like a week or 2 ago. Since they lagged it I got this random tape along with Teddy EP and so I heard it and it turns out I like this band too. I have nothing on this band besides them having 2 releases so far. The EP tape I have entitled "When men were made of iron" which introduces 5 nice slow soft content tracks which are good to my ears. In summer 2012 the band put out a 3 song summer tour demo for that year which the songs are still quite alike the EP. I hope the band hasn't disappeared so therefore I will make a post on these guys. Ill soon post some photos on some of the shit I bought and you can also follow me on instagram Skramz4life is my user name.

Heres a promo video on the EP
