Thursday, October 23, 2014

New Rosewell

So I am stoked for Friday (Tomorrow which I'll likely not make a post, maybe) anyways this band has a member of Loudcat (Ohhh yes) well its not so bad. From what I can tell this band did 6 songs and sounds a little different than Loudcat. But it is still good. The band did 2 EP's (3 songs each) its totally worth checking to. So if ya have nothing to jam to today check this.


Tuesday, October 21, 2014


So I am here in bed playing mass effect 2. So I heard this band and the debut full length was a "wow" for me. I honestly think this is going to be my jam for the fall. This is likely going to be on my top 5 albums for 2014. I didn't think I'd enjoy it as much and you know what that means. Its something you must check out. It's a nee recent band and you'll get the kicks for (anticipated for the bands future length releases) this is something I'll listen to while I smoke bowls this Friday. Such bands like Innards, The Reptilian, and Leer being my favorite active bands this band may go on my list as well on there.


Monday, October 20, 2014


So right now I just got home from school and I started eating burritos now I took a shit and I feel better. One of my friends tagged me on a post and there was a link to this band from Brazil so I checked it, to start off the band is new and released a 4 track extended play so I took a listen. The band reminds me of The Fall Of Troy/Tera Melos. That being said go download the EP. As for myself I will probably try to keep myself awake since I am sleepy.


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Lion House

Sorry for the wait, I been pretty busy with school and other crap stuff. Anyway, update on myself. I been buying a shitload of vinyl. And I also bought me that Joker assisted switchblade pocket knife I had my old one I bought in 2011 but I lost it. Well lets talk about this band. Lion house is those new modern wave screamo/mathy/emo/post hardcore bands. The screams turn into shouty Cap'n jazz screams at times and the instrumentation of the band would be like any of the smalltime new wave bands (Its not a bad thing) the band recently did there debut EP called Drancy and its pretty good. That being said I recommend this to you all. P.s Ill likely be down Belmont shore starting next week til maybe late December so I will have more posts for you guys. Maybe even video posts, who knows.
