Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Water Polo

So my semester just about ended. So this is what went down today, morning I woked up as usual watching Its always sunny in Philly then I headed to my film class to get my grade and take my final for speech. Well it was an interesting day because my pot dealer gave me 2 dimes and well me and 3 other classmates decided to smoke one of the dimes. One of them had a car so we chilled and smoked about 2 blunts I believe then we headed back at 12:30 and we had more for 2 session so we smoked more and I headed to my class very stoned at 2 since the last session didn't end til 1:45 during the time smoking those last 2 sessions we were talking about bullshit and how this other chick in our class was suppose to smoke with one of the guys who was smoking with me but he kept telling me that she wanted to get closer to me cause she knows I smoke with him (He is a older dude) It was kinda wierd cause we got deep on the conversation cause it was odd how she just wanted to smoke once she saw me but I highly doubt it was because of me since I had invited her once and I guess I got the "Never reply to the text" message. So I am still convinced it is not cause of me plus that guy left at 1:50 and I had class at 2 and didn't get out until 3 and she had gotten out until 12:20something, I don't know I am confused or maybe she was fucking around. I walked to my speech class and a classmate asked me if I smoked because I smelled like weed. When he brought this subject and began laughing I grew a little paranoid because I am reserved and I told him I am okay and fine it's not like it's something new. So we had to do our group presentations and I was high and I didn't know what to do so I sorta was tripping out but I caught along and did well. Finally we took our final and I got my grade for my last speech which was a B- as for my film class I got a C+. As I got home I started working on my Astronomy class (I have a 36% which is an F and a D is 40%) I did extra credit worth 9% of my grade along with a quiz, 2 hw packets, 2 extra credit hw packets and my final test in with the hopes of bumping my grade to a C- or even a D Ill be okay with. Likely chances of a D are high, if I did well on this final I may even get a low C and with the extra hw packets who knows. So I found out Zoo books is releasing a split tape with this band called Water polo this Friday (Who started this year) I am very excited to hear the 3-4 songs Zoo books made, I am excited to see Zoo books being very active this year releasing 3 releases this year. Well let us speak of Water polo, they are more of a indie rock band than a The Reptilian-esque like Zoo books. They aren't bad and the bands recent discography is pretty darn good. I like the work on the guitar strummings and stuff. I hope you all check it out.


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